Legal Floris LLC helps high net worth individuals and business owners who are so successful in hiding their money that nobody knows about it, to get their money back when their offshore bank fails. Additionally, our clientele are small and medium size, inexperienced investors who are afraid that they might have lost or already have lost their investment. Both customer groups get high-class assistance in their fund recovery process.
The asset- and fund recovery industry is complex and often involves multiple jurisdictions. This complicates the recovery process from a single legal license. Therefore, the Legal Floris Group involves ICC Fraudnet attorneys in different jurisdictions to safeguard our customers’ interest. Obviously, the objective is to settle your case before the offender needs to be taken to court.
To serve the growing global group of victims in bank failures and investment fraud, the Legal Floris Group serves its European clientele via the entity ‘Legal Floris (Cyprus) Ltd.‘ and its global clientele via Legal Floris LLC. Both entities are interconnected and are separated to benefit our customers.
Customers of the Legal Floris Group often do not have the financial resources or network to solve their problem. They often cannot afford to appoint a global legal team to chase the fraudster who often hides his assets in offshore jurisdictions or find a way in the minefield of contracts and rules in bank resolutions. Our customers need a specialist who can leverage their case to achieve the desired results. This means that we often combine several cases to lower initial fees and work where it is legally possible on the basis of the combination of a retainer and a success fee.