– Your initials:
– Do you run a business or are you a private client:
– What industry are you in:
Medical Devices
– Did you meet representatives of Legal Floris LLC in person:
– What was your impression of Legal Floris LLC:
Very professional, resourceful and helpful.
– Have you visited Hellenic Bank or FBME bank with Legal Floris in person:
Yes; central bank and Hellenic Bank.
– Can you describe this meeting:
Well prepared, smooth and collaborative.
– How would you describe your relationship with the representatives of Legal Floris LLC:
Very good, friendly and professional.
– Have you tried other recovery services:
No, my agent was not able to offer a sound solution for the problem they created.
– What made you decide to do business with Legal Floris LLC:
The strong impression received of professionalism, experience and focus on client.
– Explain the challenge you experienced:
Recover funds from FBME.
– Describe the solution presented:
A clear of plan of action was proposed, based on a new local bank account, local representation and application for deposit guarantee as the first step for recovering funds.
– Describe the result based on the solution provided by Legal Floris LLC:
The set-up of the mechanism to recover the funds has started and it is looking good.
– How would you describe the work ethics and professionalism of Legal Floris LLC in general:
Of high standard, truthfully and comprehensive.
– What is unique in their approach:
A personal approach with patience and dedication to find the solution to your situation.
– Why should prospects decide to work with Legal Floris LLC:
Legal Floris is very client oriented, transparent and offers efficient solutions.
– Your conclusion:
I am happy that I found Legal Floris LC and they are helping me to recover the funds from FBME.